Entries by Dr. Lucas McGuire

Why Are Crowded Teeth a Problem?

Crowded teeth can be a problem for many reasons. If you have crowded teeth, it’s important to know why this is an issue and what you can do about it. As your orthodontist in Shaker Heights and Solon OH, we can help. Here’s what you need to know. What Does It Mean to Have Crowded Teeth? […]

Innovative Solutions for TMD

TMD, or temporomandibular joint disorder, is a painful condition that affects the “hinge” on either side of your jaw. This hinge, the temporomandibular joint, allows you to open and close your mouth at will. It’s this joint that attaches your lower jawbone to your skull. Because it’s something you use constantly throughout the day, disorders […]

Does My Child Really Need a Crown?

It’s understandable for many parents to wonder whether their child really needs a crown. After all, it wasn’t always common practice for dentists in Shaker Heights, OH. If you fall into this camp and you’re questioning whether your child needs a crown on a tooth they’re going to lose anyway, we’ll look at the benefits of […]

Odd and Often-Missed Signs of TMJ

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders affect the primary joint that connects the skull and jawbone. TMJ disorder diagnosis with cone beam computed tomography in Shaker Heights, OH is common, but some patients are surprised by the diagnosis. The fact is, TMJ symptoms can be a little out-of-the-ordinary. Take a look at a few often-missed symptoms of TMJ to […]

Treatment Options for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

It’s hard to find relief when your whole face hurts. At least, it may feel this way if you have problems with your temporomandibular joint. Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD, affects the small “hinges” that attach your lower jawbone to your skull. This joint makes it possible for your mouth to open and close at […]

What Is Airway Orthodontics?

Orthodontics can do many things to help patients in need. Orthodontics can straighten teeth and improve a smile. Did you know that orthodontics can also widen your airway for improved health? It’s true. Here’s what you need to know about airway orthodontics from your orthodontist in Shaker and Solon, OH. What Is Airway Orthodontics? Jaw deformities […]