What Causes Mismatched Dental Midlines?

A dental midline refers to an imaginary line that divides the face. Running vertically, it’s a way for dentists to judge the symmetry of a patient as a key part of their overall oral health. We’ll look at what mismatched dental midlines are and what causes them.

Fast Facts About Dental Midlines

Mismatched dental midlines in Solon, OH, occur when the center of the upper and lower teeth are misaligned. This can cause the smile to be uneven, but it’s more than an aesthetic problem. Dental midlines can affect your overall bite, leading to discomfort when you eat or long-term dental issues.

Dental midlines are sometimes caused when a child loses their baby teeth too early, as the surrounding teeth will crowd in immediately to fill the gap. Habits like thumb-sucking or tongue-thrusting can also be contributing factors. Misaligned jaws and uneven eruption of adult teeth can also put pressure on the midline, causing it to be thrown off center. Even genetics plays a role, as many people will inherit mismatched midline from their parents.

In some cases, parents or dental professionals may be able to intervene by forming a midline. For instance, curbing or preventing oral habits like thumb sucking. Whether you can intervene or not though, the best course of action is always to seek treatment as early as possible.

Orthodontists in Solon, OH

Not everyone with a mismatched dental midline will need extensive treatment. The right course of action will depend on everything from the severity of the mismatch to the overall state of your oral health. At McGuire Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics, our orthodontists in Solon, OH, can help you decide on the next steps.

Can Sleep Orthodontics Eliminate My Snoring?

Snoring isn’t just a pain for the people around you, it can impact the quality of your sleep. Worse, it can affect sleep without the person even realizing it. If you’ve heard complaints about your snoring, you’ve woken up due to your snoring, or you’re fatigued throughout the day for no reason, we’ll look at whether a sleeporthodontist in Shaker Heights, OH, can help.

What Is Sleep Orthodontics?

Narrowed passages or vibrating tissues cause snoring. Sleep orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on fixing the root cause so the airflow is better or the vibrations decrease. It typically refers to the devices used to align the jaw and prevent the tongue from blocking the airway. This can include mandibular advancement devices (MADs), which will push the jaw forward, or stabilizing devices that keep the tongue in place.

Will Sleep Orthodontics Eliminate Snoring?

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that these devices will eliminate snoring. The treatment works best for those with mild to moderate snoring. However, snoring reduction is typically significant after following the orthodontist’s treatment plan.

What Are the Benefits of Sleep Orthodontics?

The main benefit is thatsleep orthodontics in Shaker Heights can improve your bite and sleep quality without surgery or complicated machinery. Instead of scheduling a more invasive procedure to move your jaw (which would involve a partial break to reposition it) or purchasing a CPAP machine, sleep orthodontics can be the middle ground you’re looking for.

See a Sleep Orthodontist in Shaker Heights, OH 

At McGuire Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics, with locations in Shaker Heights and Solon, we can help you determine whether sleep orthodontics is right for your snoring. Contact us today for an evaluation.

3 Major Differences Between Traditional and Holistic Orthodontics

Traditional and holistic orthodontics share enough overlap that it can confuse patients about what to expect. If you’ve heard of holistic orthodontics in Shaker Heights and want to learn more about it, we’ll tell you the crux of the matter and the main differences between the two. 

Holistic Orthodontists Treat the Whole Person 

A traditional orthodontist will examine how the teeth, jaw, and gums change over time. A holistic orthodontist will look at these components in relation to the patient’s overall wellness. If an underlying issue is causing the problem, such as a nutritional deficiency. They may also make recommendations or administer therapy to correct habits that are causing the issue.

Holistic Dentistry May Use Different Materials

A traditional and holistic orthodontist in Solon, OH, may both recommend aligners and braces to correct a misalignment. However, a holistic dentist is more likely to evaluate how techniques like myofunctional therapy may be able to limit the number of procedures a patient needs. For instance, if a person’s throat tissues are too weak, causing sleep or bite issues, the orthodontist may teach the patient exercises that strengthen the tissue. 

Holistic Orthodontists Emphasize Prevention 

When an orthodontist is too focused on the problem, they can lose sight of the rest of the patient. With holistic dentistry, the dentist will focus on how the patient can avoid treatments in the future rather than looking for ways to correct a short-term problem. 

Orthodontics in Solon, OH

At McGuire Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics, you’ll meet holistic orthodontists in Solon, OH, who can give you a broader idea of how your oral health impacts your overall health (and vice versa). Contact us today or set up an appointment to learn more about what makes us unique. 

Childhood Thumb Sucking – A Warning from Your Dentist

Does your child suck their thumb? If so, your dentist in Shaker Heights, OH has a warning for you. Thumb sucking is normal in babies. It makes them feel secure and relaxed. However, a child who continues to suck their thumb after four to five years of age, or if your child is an aggressive thumb sucker, could end up with long-term dental problems.

Dental Problems That Result from Childhood Thumb Sucking

When your child sucks their thumb, it creates a kind of vacuum in their mouth. This is because thumb sucking causes pressure, especially on your child’s top front teeth, bone, and the soft tissues of their mouth.

If your child continues to suck their thumb after their baby teeth fall out and their adult teeth start to come in, this is when problems begin to occur. That’s why it’s important to try and break the thumb-sucking habit before they hit that point.

Here are a few of the dental problems that are a result of extended childhood thumb-sucking.

  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Open Bite
  • Protruding Front Teeth
  • Misaligned Teeth
  • Future Speech Problems
  • Altered Facial Appearance
  • Narrow Upper Jaw
  • Altered Growth of the Palate on the Roof of the Mouth
  • Difficulty Swallowing
  • Tonsil Collapse
  • Skeletal Deformities

How Your Dentist Can Help Stop Childhood Thumb Sucking

If you have tried everything to get your child to stop sucking their thumb, but nothing seems to work, your dentist can help. The dentist might recommend a palatal expander in Shaker Height, OH for your child. This appliance changes the surface of your child’s mouth, so they don’t get the same satisfaction when they put their thumb in their mouth.

Do You Need a Dentist in Shaker Heights, OH?

If you need a dentist in Shaker Heights, OH, or the surrounding area, please Contact McGuire Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics today. Our patients are our highest priority and our best-in-the-industry team uses fun to keep smiles on our patients’ faces. Reach out any time. We look forward to hearing from you!

Overcrowded teeth, abnormal dental occlusion. Medically accurate tooth 3D illustration

Why Are Crowded Teeth a Problem?

Crowded teeth can be a problem for many reasons. If you have crowded teeth, it’s important to know why this is an issue and what you can do about it. As your orthodontist in Shaker Heights and Solon OH, we can help. Here’s what you need to know.

What Does It Mean to Have Crowded Teeth?

All the teeth should fit in the mouth with enough room to grow neatly in a row, straight up and down. Crowded teeth do not have enough room to grow in this manner. Crowded teeth can grow in crooked or even on top of one another, because they have no space.

Why Are Crowded Teeth a Problem?

Teeth that grow too close together can be difficult to clean. With no space between the teeth for flossing, crowded teeth are more vulnerable to tooth decay, plaque and tartar.

Crowded teeth can also become stained more easily than teeth that are properly spaced, because crowded teeth can have more plaque and tartar buildup which leads to staining.

One final problem with crowded teeth – they’re a cosmetic problem. Crooked teeth can leave some people feeling self conscious about the way they smile. The more severe the problem, the more your smile is impacted.

What Can You Do About Crowded Teeth?

If you have crowded teeth, you may need traditional braces or clear aligners to set your teeth straight. Sometimes tooth extractions can help with this problem as well. Working with an experienced orthodontist can help. For information about braces in Shaker Heights and Solon OH, call McGuire Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics to make an appointment.

How Can I Tell If My Child Needs an Orthodontist?

It can be hard to know if your child needs an orthodontist in Shaker Heights and Solon, OH. The first step in getting your child the care they need is to know what orthodontists do and what are the signs that your child needs an orthodontist. In this article, we’ll go over the signs that your child can benefit from orthodontic treatment.

What Do Orthodontists Do?

Orthodontists are dental professionals who use devices to move the teeth and fix abnormalities in the jaw. Orthodontists are trained to fix problems like crooked teeth, misaligned teeth, crowded teeth and spaces between the teeth that should not be there. If your child has one of these problems, then they need an orthodontist.

What Are the Signs My Child Needs an Orthodontist?

It’s not always obvious that your child needs braces in Shaker Heights and Solon, OH, but below are some of the signs to watch for:

  • Speech problems. Misaligned teeth can cause problems with your child’s speech, such as a lisp.
  • Thumb sucking. Sometimes thumb and finger sucking can cause the teeth to become misaligned in such a way that the child later needs braces.
  • Difficulty eating. If your child has difficulty chewing or biting, this may be because their teeth aren’t lining up properly, which can make it hard to eat.
  • Biting the inside of their mouth. Your child may bite their own tongue or the inside of their cheek if their teeth aren’t properly aligned. This can be corrected with braces.

Think Your Child Needs an Orthodontist? Call McGuire Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics

Does your child show any of the symptoms listed above? It could be that they need an orthodontist. If you think your child needs orthodontic care, don’t delay. Call McGuire Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics to make an appointment today.

What is Cone-Based Tomography in Dentistry, and How Can You Benefit from It?

Before cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) became available to dentists, they had to rely on one-dimensional or two-dimensional X-rays to aid in patient treatment planning. CBCT allows dentists to obtain a three-dimensional view of the patient’s entire head for more efficient treatment planning.

Why is Seeing All Structures in a Patient’s Head Important?

Your nasal structures, airways, and temporomandibular joints can affect your oral health just as much as the condition of your teeth, gums, and jaws. By getting a full 3D picture of each patient through cone beam computed tomography in Shaker Heights, OH or Solon, OH, Dr. McGuire better understands how each structure affects the other.

How Does CBCT Work?

This technology relies on several types of computer tomography systems (CT). Dental professionals like Dr. McGuire retrieve X-ray data from the cone beam that rotates around the patient’s head. He then uses these images to piece together a single 3D image that helps him diagnose your oral health issue. He is especially interested in evaluating the following areas:

  • Teeth and gums
  • Jaw, mouth, and neck that make up your maxillofacial and oral region
  • Ears, nose, and throat (ENT)

What Are the Most Common Uses of CBCT?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved CBCT in the early 2000s, and the technology has become increasingly popular among dentists since then. Dr. McGuire, always being one step ahead of the curve due to his interest in facial orthopedics, has used CBCT for many years. Some of the most common reasons he uses this diagnostic equipment include:

  • Assessment of cleft palates
  • Dental trauma diagnosis
  • Diagnosis of cavities
  • Evaluation of jaws and face
  • Planning dental implant treatment
  • Root canal evaluation
  • Viewing abnormal teeth

After using the 3D image to assign a diagnosis, Dr. McGuire starts working on your treatment plan right away. Please contact us to request an evaluation or to learn more about cone beam computed tomography in Shaker Heights, OH or Solon, OH.