Entries by Dr. Lucas McGuire

5 Things to Know About Invisalign

Millions of people have achieved the straight teeth of their dreams thanks to Invisalign technology. Old-fashioned braces did the job just fine, but many people are uncomfortable with traditional braces because they’re so obvious. Adults working in professional fields, for instance, need to cultivate a polished, understated appearance and may, therefore, prefer Invisalign over other […]

When is the Right Time for Braces?

The decision to get braces for your children or for your own teeth can raise concerns about the timing. When should you consider braces as an adult? Is there an ideal time to get braces for your children? By clarifying the ideal timing, you will be able to discuss your options with our dentist to […]

Pros and Cons of Permanent and Removable Retainers

Permanent and Removable Retainers A retainer is a crucial component of orthodontic treatment. Because teeth aren’t fixed into place, they can shift over time. A retainer is designed to keep teeth in place after braces are removed. Learning about the differences between the two primary types of retainers — permanent and removable — can increase […]


One of the orthodontic products we most frequently get questions about is Invisalign. If you are not familiar with or have only seen an occasional advertisement about this fantastic product, here are some basics you should understand. Invisalign is a brand of clear, teeth aligners that are intended for adults. Because they are clear, they […]

Adults Getting Braces

Teenagers aren’t the only ones who can benefit from braces! Adults can get braces too, and more often than not, the braces experience is much easier and more effective for adults. Why? Unlike teenagers, adults understand better what they’re getting into when they get braces. Instructions from orthodontists to brush and floss daily, avoid certain foods, […]

Top Foods to Avoid With Your New Braces

While braces might be a bit of an inconvenience, keep in mind that they’re only a temporary inconvenience – and the end result is almost always worth it. Aside from trips to the orthodontist, learning how to brush and floss with braces, and potential irritation and discomfort once they’re first put on, one other thing […]