Adult Braces Options

There has never been a better time to get your teeth straightened. The number of orthodontic options available has increased dramatically from when you were a kid and saw your friends wearing those heavy metal bands across their teeth. Today’s orthodontists have a myriad of solutions available for adults who want to improve their smile or correct a misaligned bite with braces.

If you’re considering braces after age 18, don’t worry; you’re not alone. From 25 to 50 percent of the average orthodontist’s patients graduated from high school years, if not decades, ago… and this number is increasing every year.

You Adult Braces Options

1. Invisible line braces. This type of brace is all but invisible and allows you to feel good about your smile even while you are having your teeth straightened.

2. Regular or conventional braces. These are the metal wires and bands that are cemented on your teeth and are tightened every four to six weeks. However, today’s conventional braces are lighter and much less noticeable than those of a generation ago.

man in dental chair

3. Clear Aligners. These devices fit over your teeth and gradually move them into their correct alignment. They are nearly invisible, but unlike invisible line braces, they can be removed for eating and cleaning your teeth. Aligners need to be worn 20 to 22 hours a day. A new device is created periodically until your teeth are their final position.

4. Ceramic braces. This type of braces also involves bands and wires, but with ceramic braces, the bands are tinted to match your teeth so that they are much less noticeable. However, this option is considerably more expensive than regular braces.

5. Lingual braces. Lingual braces are just like conventional braces except that the wires are cemented to the back of your teeth, making them much less noticeable.

To learn more about type of braces is best for you, visit us online at Arnstine and McGuire Orthodontics, or request an appointment by calling (insert contact information). Our practice has been helping people in the greater Cleveland area improve their smiles for more than 50 years.

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