What to Know About Sedation in Holistic Dentistry

Sedation dentistry helps people conquer their fears about nearly any dental procedure. When intense reactions can prevent doctors from scheduling and keeping appointments, it’s been a lifesaver for doctors and patients alike. If you’re wondering what kind of sedation dentistry you can expect at a holistic dentist, we’ll examine how the two dental branches complement one another rather than clash.

The Basics of Holistic Dentistry

Holistic and traditional dentistry offers patients many of the same services and treatments. At both types of practices, you’ll find professionals who try to determine the underlying cause of different disorders before devising a solution. The biggest difference is that a holistic dentist is more concerned with the patient’s overall health. How this impacts you will depend on who you see and how the dental team has equipped their practice.

Sedation and Holistic Dentistry

When sedation is applied to holistic dentistry in Solon, OH, the biggest question is how mental health affects physical health. For instance, if you’re fearful of even hearing the diagnosis, let alone going through with the procedure, this can seriously impact your long-term dental health. At McGuire Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics, our team integrates holistic practices with the best in sedation, ensuring that you can get through even the most complex treatment plans.

Find an Orthodontist in Solon

The right orthodontist in Solon will understand where their patients are coming from. If you think sedation dentistry could be helpful to you or someone you love, contact us today to learn more about how our sedation works. Whether it’s a teeth cleaning or surgery, sedation can be the stepping stone to getting it all done.

Sleep Orthodontics vs. Myofunctional Therapy: Which One Is Right for You?

Sleep orthodontics and myofunctional therapy can both be used to open up the airways and help you sleep better. If you’re concerned about which is the better route for you, we’ll look at how both can help and the factors to keep in mind before deciding on a course of treatment.

Myofunctional Therapy vs. Sleep Orthodontics 

Myofunctional therapy relies on your body’s own ability to strengthen muscles and improve breathing. When your tissues are stronger, they’re more likely to remain open rather than collapse.Sleep orthodontics in Shaker Heights, OH, relies on sleep trays to straighten the teeth and bite. Both can help with sleeping more soundly throughout the night.

Chief Complaint 

You may visit anorthodontist in Shaker Heights, OH, for several reasons (e.g., to stop snoring, improve the quality of your sleep, align your bite, etc.). It’s easier to figure out the right course of treatment once you identify your biggest priority. It should also be noted that not everyone will have a choice regarding their treatment. Severe dental issues cannot be corrected via myofunctional therapy.

For instance, if you’re looking for a cost-effective treatment that will help you reduce mouth breathing, then myofunctional therapy is likely the right course. If you’re more concerned about straightening your bite and teeth, sleep orthodontics will be a better choice.

Discuss with a Dentist in Shaker Heights 

If you want to learn more about what the different types of therapy can do for you, contact McGuire Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics. With locations in both Solon and Shaker Heights, OH, our staff can tell you more about which treatments will address which problems. When sleep is the key to both relaxation and rejuvenation, you can’t put a price on it.